Information according to Art. 137 f GewO, Art. 5 E-commerce Act and Art. 25 (5) Media Act:
Business Consulting
Elmargasse 2-4
AT-1190 Vienna
E-Mail: office@certainity.com
Web: www.certainity.com
Company register Vienna, FN 595341 b
UID: ATU78994607
Responsible regulatory authorities
- GewO = Austrian trade regulation: http://www.ris.bka.gv.at
- Supervisory authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MBA 19., 1180 Vienna, Martinstraße 100
- GISA accessibility: http://www.gisa.gv.at
- Authority for complaints: Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort 1010 Vienna, Stubenring 1
Sustainability-related disclosure according to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088
We pursue an independent sustainability strategy in which we take into account as far as possible negative effects of investment decisions. In doing so, we thoroughly consider conceivable developments in environmental, social and corporate governance matters that could actually or potentially have significant negative effects on the value of the investment. Particular consideration is given to the following areas: buying or renting office space, procurement of business equipment, IT and company vehicles.
For the time being we do not have sufficiently transparent information on insurance products to be able to adequately assess the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors. We continuously monitor further legal developments as well as the measures taken by the insurance industry and, after having received relevant information, we will consider possible negative effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors when advising our clients.
As part of our remuneration policy, we continuously analyze the remuneration received and granted. So far, sustainability factors have not been taken into account because this was not customary in our market. If further legal developments should enable or require the consideration of such factors, we will examine its application to existing or future remuneration and ensure the corresponding disclosure.